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Morganfield, KY 42437Monday - Friday
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Streptococcal Pharyngitis School is starting. While it is an exciting time, it is also a time that certain illnesses raise their ugly heads. This is due to crowding of people into confined spaces. During the summer when kids were running free, their interpersonal interactions were somewhat limited. When school starts, they are crowded together and […]
By Dr. Bebout • 10/02/2018 • No Comments
I know, I should have posted this in the summer! The fact of the matter is though, a great many outdoorsmen and women are hitting the field and woods this time of year. It has not frosted yet so tick problems need to be a real consideration. Many people forget or are surprised by the […]
Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease and Herpangina are two common ailments of childhood that cause oral lesions. They are both caused by Enteroviruses but particularly the various strains of Coxsackievirus A. Even though immunity is conferred after infection, a child can get the disease again if they encounter another strain. HFMD usually occurs in the […]
Fall is here. It is time, given the season and school crowding issues, for us to begin seeing an influx of pediatric illnesses. I will give a breakdown of several common ailments and what to look for. Let’s start with Roseola. Roseola (Roseola infantum, exanthem subitum) Roseola is a febrile rash that is very common […]
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