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Morganfield, KY 42437Monday - Friday
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Cryosurgery is the application of freezing temperatures causing intentional destruction of tissue. This is useful in the safe and effective treatment of various benign and malignant skin lesions. It is a fairly rapid method of treatment that requires no preop or anesthesia and can be performed in a primary care office. Usual freeze times are […]
One of the common complaints in any primary care office is that of lesions in the mouth or surrounding tissue.
I’m a little late but World Hepatitis Day was July 28, 2020. What is Hepatitis The short definition of hepatitis would be inflammation of the liver. It gets a little more complicated when you break hepatitis down into its causes. There are actually many causes of hepatitis that can be place in to different categories. […]
By Dr. Bebout • 08/28/2019 • 1 Comment
Fall is creeping up on us and with it comes more indoor activities and the opportunity to be in near proximity to those with infectious diseases. It is still early but we need to starting thinking about the flu and possible prevention of this unwanted ailment. Flu viruses are prevalent and generally circulate in the […]
By Dr. Bebout • 10/15/2018 • No Comments
Panic in Level 4: Cannibals, Killer Viruses and Other Journeys to the Edge of Science by Richard Preston I think I liked it. There were some parts that didn’t really click for me, esp. the stories of the Unicorn tapestry and the semi-biography of Craig Venter. These stories didn’t really seem to fit with the […]
Why are children not being vaccinated? This scares me to death. I am at a loss as to why parents would not want to protect their children from entirely preventable, horrible diseases. Not only are these people putting their own children’s lives at risk, the risk the communities lives by degradation of herd immunity. Here […]
Fall is here. It is time, given the season and school crowding issues, for us to begin seeing an influx of pediatric illnesses. I will give a breakdown of several common ailments and what to look for. Let’s start with Roseola. Roseola (Roseola infantum, exanthem subitum) Roseola is a febrile rash that is very common […]
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