332 North Court Street
Morganfield, KY 42437Monday - Friday
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Herpes zoster (Shingles) is a painful vesicular (blistering) eruption of the skin that follows a nerve root pathway. Shingle is caused by the Varicella-zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chicken pox. Primary infection with this virus develops into chicken pox and reactivation of the virus later causes shingles. You cannot get shingles […]
I read about a new study published in JAMA. I find this exciting. There is promising data coming out that states that non-complicated acute appendicitis may be adequately treated with antibiotics. I have always been taught that appendicitis is a surgical condition. End of story. It now seems that that may not be the case. […]
Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease and Herpangina are two common ailments of childhood that cause oral lesions. They are both caused by Enteroviruses but particularly the various strains of Coxsackievirus A. Even though immunity is conferred after infection, a child can get the disease again if they encounter another strain. HFMD usually occurs in the […]
I love fall. I think it is my favorite time of the year. The weather moderates and it ushers in hunting seasons. Also at this time is out local town festival called the “Corn Festival”. We are a farming community and corn is a large local cash crop. My special lady (Mulysa) and I love […]
Influenza is a common and potentially dangerous respiratory illness. The amount of effect it has on the general population in terms of overall illness and loss of work/school time is staggering. Influenza is an upper respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses A&B. These viruses are prevalent in the environment but peak illness seems to occur […]
Chronic Venous disease is a spectrum of conditions affecting the vascular system of the lower extremities. This can include venous insufficiency, venous reflux, and venous dilation. The essential underlying cause of this condition falls on venous hypertension. This differs in that the venous system was not designed to carry a high pressure load. Venous […]
Fall is here. It is time, given the season and school crowding issues, for us to begin seeing an influx of pediatric illnesses. I will give a breakdown of several common ailments and what to look for. Let’s start with Roseola. Roseola (Roseola infantum, exanthem subitum) Roseola is a febrile rash that is very common […]
Wow….I never dreamed that getting a functioning web page going was going to be this difficult. Between lack of creativity, technical difficulties and system crashes, I’ll be surprised if this project gets off the ground! I am not giving up. It will get finished eventually.
It begins. Opening a new business and private practice was a major decision. I have decided to enter a new chapter in my life. That will be the chapter of business owner and solo practitioner. It was a long road reaching this point. I had many periods of doubt and confusion. I never […]
Disclaimer: Medical information is not Medical advice.
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